Pusat Pengajian Perumahan, Bangunan & Perancangan  |  School of Housing, Building and Planning    USM White


The main objective of the programme is to train graduates with expertise in science and technology of building construction and management aspects, infrastructure, building system and structure, material technology, building services and maintenance, geotechnics, and geosystem, building energy studies and others.

This programme has been a popular course from various disciplines of undergraduates namely architecture, engineering, management and building science. This course was offered in two modes: by coursework and mixed mode. This page provides detailed information specifically about the coursework mode.


  • To nurture knowledgeable and technically competent graduates who are able to solve problems in the discipline of Building Technology for sustainable development.

  • To nurture graduates with good leadership qualities and communicate effectively, work collaboratively in teams, to achieve engineering solutions that align with societal needs and values.

  • To nurture graduates with a global mindset, proficient in research and committed to lifelong learning.


Applicants should possess the following:

  1. Satisfy the general requirements of USM’s graduate school.

  2. Candidates should hold a first degree with a minimum CGPA of 2.75 and above in any of the following:


    1. (Hons) Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia.


    1. Honours degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia OR degree from other universities in related construction fields approved by Universiti Sains Malaysia such as Built Environment, Civil Engineering and Building Engineering.


    1. Other academic or professional qualifications acceptable by USM.
  • The full-time programme covers a minimum of one-year academic session, or equivalent to two semesters (including submission of research project report).
  • The part-time programme covers a minimum of two-year academic sessions, or equivalent to four semesters (including submission of research project report).
  • The courses are conducted by full-time academic staff with the support of visiting lecturers, professors, and relevant practicing professionals. Modes of teaching include lectures, tutorials, discussions, seminars, case studies and project assignments. 
  • Assessment is made based on assignments, coursework, and examination. For research projects, candidates are required to submit a formal report and attend a viva session at the end of the final semester.
  • Master of Science (Building Technology) by coursework is conferred to candidates who have accumulated not less than 40 credit units. The students are required to complete all courses listed as compulsory, graduation requirement and research project.

Full-Time Studies

 Semester 1 Semester 2  Semester KSCP Remarks

REG 521/4
REG 562/4
REG 563/4
REG 564/4
REL 574/3

REG 532/4
REG 567/4
RMT 558/4
REG 566/4
REL 572

REL 572/8

*REL 574 is a graduation requirement and not counted in total units
*REL 572 is a two Academic Session courses (Semester II & KSCP). Cumulative unit will be counted on the KSCP semester
 16 Units 16 Units 8 Units Total Units = 40 Units

Part-Time Studies

Year 1
 Semester 1 Semester 2  Semester KSCP Remarks

REG 521/4
REG 562/4

REG 532/4
REG 567/4


 8 Units 8 Units   Total Units = 16 Units
Year 2
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester KSCP Remarks

REG 563/4
REG 564/4
REL 574/3

RMT 558/4
REG 566/4
REL 572

REL 572/8

*REL574 is a graduation requirement and not counted in total units
*REL572 is a two Academic Session courses (Semester II & KSCP). Cumulative unit will be counted on the KSCP semester

8 Units 8 Units 8 Units Total Units = 24 Units



The program consists of the following courses:

A. Compulsory Courses (32 units)     

 Code  Title  Unit  Semester 
REG 521 Building Science and Environment 1
REG 532 Construction Geotechnology 4 2
REG 562 Building Services Technology 4 1
REG 563 Sustainable Infrastructure 4 1
REG 564 Sustainable Buildings 4 2
REG 566 Building Pathology and Maintenance 4 2
REG 567 Advanced Construction Materials 4 2
RMT 558 Construction and Facilities Management 4 2

REG 521 - Building Science and Environment
This course provides exposure to building science and environmental elements, their relevance in affecting environmental conditions including humans and approaches in creating a sustainable environment.

REG 532 - Construction Geotechnology
This course includes an introduction to soil characteristics, sampling, laboratory and site investigation, earthwork operations, geosynthetics, geosystems and geomaterials, groundwater and pressure systems, slope stability, soil improvement methods and shallow and deep foundations.

REG 562 - Building Services Technology
This course provides exposure to advanced knowledge on the category, design, technology and management of building service systems.

REG 563 - Sustainable Infrastructure
This course provides the exposure to the advanced knowledge on types, systems, technology and materials to design new, rehabilitate old, and optimize existing infrastructures according to the latest global sustainable development principles.

REG 564 - Sustainable Buildings
This course emphasizes on the concept, methodologies and strategies to achieve sustainable buildings, including various standard evaluation techniques applied in determining the level of sustainability in buildings.

REG 566 - Building Pathology and Maintenance
This course discusses building pathology including a holistic approach to building and structure repair. This involves a detailed understanding of how the structure was constructed, the materials being constructed, how it was used, how it has progressed over time, and all the factors that influence its current state.

REG 567 - Advanced Construction Materials
This course provides exposure to the physical and mechanical properties of advanced building materials as well as their use in the building construction industry. Performance, resilience, sources of damage and resistance to environmental factors are also considered.

RMT558 - Construction and Facilities Management
This course will discuss and examine the management techniques and approaches in planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling construction projects. On-site management and project team organizational aspects will also be focused on with particular emphasis on construction-based activities. The Facilities Management segment gives an overview of management decisions during the occupancy stage through the organisational and facilities’ change cycles.

  B. Graduation Requirement (3 units)

 Code  Title  Unit  Semester 
REL 574 Research Methodology in Building Technology 3 1

REL 574 - Research Methodology in Building Technology
This course explains the process and method of conducting research systematically from identifying research problem to literature search, techniques in conducting data collection and data analysis. This course also emphasises on the development of research proposal and the importance of good management of research data and information

C. Research Project (8 units)

 Code  Title  Unit  Semester 
REL 572 Research Project in Building Technology 8 2 & KSCP

REL 572 - Research Project in Building Technology
This course provides students with knowledge in planning and conducting research on topics related to building technology, with supervision from lecturers. The objective of this course is to provide exposure to students in the process of conducting research and acquire the necessary research skills to contribute to building technology fields. 


A Master's degree in Building Technology can lead to diverse career opportunities, including roles as Construction Project Manager, Sustainable Design Consultant, and more. Graduates may find employment in construction management, sustainable design, urban planning, research and development, and various other sectors.


Full-time: Min 2 semesters / Max 4 semesters
Part-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 8 semesters


Semester 1 and 2

Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
  • Registration Fee : 310.00
  • Tuition Fee : 220.00 X 44 Units = 9680.00
  • Convocation Fee : 200.00
  • Registration Fees : 222.50
  • Personal Bond : 1000.00
  • Tuition Fees : 82.50 X 44 Units = 3630.00
  • Convocation Fee : 50.00

** Fees are subject to change


To apply for this program, please visit our official admissions portal at https://admission.usm.my/postgraduate. Follow the straightforward application process to submit your application and explore the possibilities of joining our vibrant academic community. We look forward to welcoming you to School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia and helping you embark on a transformative educational journey.

Program Briefing

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  • Last Modified: Thursday, 06 February 2025