Pusat Pengajian Perumahan, Bangunan & Perancangan  |  School of Housing, Building and Planning    USM White


This programme has been offered since 1990, making it one of the pioneering coursework based MSc. Project Management programmes here in Malaysia. Adopting a broad based project management approach infused with the intricacies of the construction industry, this MSc. programme is suitable for both working professionals and scholars intending to further their studies. Integrating established and reputable project management syllabuses, this programme leverages on its structured coursework which encompasses the spectrum of the project management field. This is further enhanced with dynamic and contemporary case study elements as well as a research based dissertation. The programme has been a steady feature in the top 200 Best Masters Programs released by the Eduniversal Global Masters and ranked 15th in innovation and project management in Far East Asia. Moreover, this program is accredited by Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB). Taught and conducted by academicians with research as well as industrial backgrounds, this programme offers a cognitive and intuitive learning experience within the confines of the nation’s sole APEX University.


  • Produce project management graduates with holistic knowledge, relevant technical skills who are able to solve problems in the realm of project management.

  • Produce project management graduates with progressive leadership competencies and effective communication skills, enabling them to professionally engage in project management tasks both individually and as part of a project team.

  • Produce capable project management graduates with a global mindset who embody sustainability in practise and research, engage lifelong learning, and embrace entrepreneurship for their professional development.

  1. CGPA of at least 2.75 / 4.00; or
  2. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74 with the following additional conditions: or
    a) Research experience for at least one year; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least one year; or
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project
  3. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49 (Bachelor's Degree with Honours) with the following additional conditions: or
    a) Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project

The full-time program covers a minimum of one academic year (or equivalent to two semesters) during which time the students are also expected to submit their research project reports. The part-time program covers a minimum of two academic years. International students are only eligible to follow the MSc program on a full-time basis.

Master of Science (Project Management) is conferred to candidates who have accumulated not less than 44 credit units. Students are required to complete all courses listed as compulsory, project case studies and the research project.

Courses are conducted through lectures, tutorials, discussions, seminars, case studies and assignments. The language of instruction is English for intake with International students, replacing Bahasa Malaysia.

All courses are assessed by assignments and examinations at the end of every semester. For research projects, students are expected to submit a dissertation and attend a viva session.

Course Summary for Full-Time Studies

 Semester 1 Semester 2  Semester KSCP Remarks

RMT 531/4
RMT 550/4
RMT 553/4
RMT 551/4
RML 571/3

RMB 513/6
RMT 558/4
RMT 559/4
RMG 561/6
RML 573

 RML 573/5

RML 573 is offered in Semester 2 & KSCP. The cumulative unit will be counted on the KSP semester.
 19 Units 20 Units 5 Units Total Units = 44 Units

Course Summary for Part-Time Studies

Year 1
 Semester 1 Semester 2  Semester KSCP Remarks

RMT 531/4
RMT 553/4

RMT 558/4
RMT 559/4
RMG 561/6


 8 Units 14 Units   Total Units = 22 Units
Year 2
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester KSCP Remarks

RMT 550/4
RMT 551/4
RML 571/3

RMB 513/6
RML 573

 RML 573/5

RML 573 is offered in Semester 2 & KSCP. The cumulative unit will be counted on the KSP semester.

11 Units 6 Units 5 Units Total Units = 22 Units



Each course in the program is offered once a year as follows 

A. Compulsory Courses (30 units)     

 Code  Title  Unit  Semester 
RMT 531  Project Management Essentials 1
RMT 550 Stakeholder Engagement and Project Cost Management 4 1
RMT 551 Law in Project Management 4 1
RMT 553 Organisation and Management 4 1
RMG 561 Information and Communication Technology in Project Management  6 2
RMT 558 Construction and Facilities Management 4 2
RMT 559 Advanced Project Management 4 2

RMT 531 - Project Management Essentials
This course discusses the aspects of project management evolution as well as the essential knowledge and techniques. This course also discusses the need to understand project scope, quality, organization and characteristics with the aim of enabling project management techniques to be synthesized and applied.

RMT 550 - Stakeholder Engagement and Project Cost Management
This course discusses stakeholder engagement and project cost management. This includes identifying stakeholders, plan-manage-monitor stakeholders’ engagement, natural disaster and stakeholder’s engagement. This course also covers project financing, design economics - client’s requirement and impact of sustainability, value management, whole life costing (WLC) and life-cycle costing (LCC).

RMT 551 - Law in Project Management
This course discusses the Malaysian Legal System that is related to Project Management. This includes the law of contract with special emphasis on standard forms of contract, types and use. This course also explains the law provisions which are related to health and safety in the construction industry, collateral warranties, claims, delays, the law of Torts and alternative dispute resolutions.

RMT 553 - Organisation and Management
This course discusses organizational and management theory and its evolution. The course also discusses organizational structure, motivational systems, leadership, corporate strategy, communication, ethics and corporate social responsibilities and effective organization.

RMT 561 - Information and Communication Technology in Project Management
This course explains the significance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in communication management. The course introduces advanced digital technology concepts and software applications such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), collaborative working environment, online project information management system, as well as computer simulation models for building performance and sustainability.

RMT 558 - Construction and Facilities Management
This course will discuss and examine the management techniques and approaches in planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling construction projects. On-site management and project team organizational aspects will also be focused on with a particular emphasis on construction-based activities. The Facilities Management segment gives an overview of management decisions during the occupancy stage through the organisational and facilities’ change cycles.

RMT 559 - Advanced Project Management
This course discusses the advanced tools, techniques, and approaches in project management. It includes different techniques and methods in decision-making, risk assessment, project scheduling, and project integration management. Moreover, green, lean, and agile project management, as well as adopting artificial intelligence in project management are covered.

B. Project Case Studies (6 units)

 Code  Title  Unit  Semester 
RMB 513 Integrated Project Case Study 6 2

RMB 513 - Integrated Project Case Study
This course exposes students to the contemporary practice of project management in construction and non-construction sectors. Through this course, students will examine the management of real-life projects, identify critical issues and formulate alternative management approaches in addressing the issues.

C. Research Project (8 units)

 Code  Title  Unit  Semester 
RML 571 Research Methodology in Project Management 3 1
RML 573 Research in Project Management 5 2 & KSCP

RML 571: Research Methodology in Project Management
This course explains the process and method of conducting research systematically from identifying research problem to literature search, techniques in data collection and data analysis. This course also emphasizes on the development of research proposal and the importance of good management of research data and information.

RMT 573: Research in Project Management
This course provides students with an experience in planning and conducting an independent research in topics related to project management with supervision from lecturers. The objective of this course is to expose students to the process of doing research—the students acquire research skills and contribute to the body of knowledge in the related field.

  1. Project Manager
  2. Construction Manager 
  3. Facility Manager
  4. Other project management related jobs such as risk manager and contract administrator

Full time : 1-2 years
Part-time: 2-4 years


Semester 1 and 2

Malaysian (MYR) International (USD)
  • Registration Fee : 310.00
  • Tuition Fee : 220.00 X 44 Units = 9680.00
  • Convocation Fee : 200.00
  • Registration Fees : 222.50
  • Personal Bond : 1000.00
  • Tuition Fees : 82.50 X 44 Units = 3630.00
  • Convocation Fee : 50.00

** Fees are subject to change


To apply for this program, please visit our official admissions portal at https://admission.usm.my/postgraduate. Follow the straightforward application process to submit your application and explore the possibilities of joining our vibrant academic community. We look forward to welcoming you to School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia and helping you embark on a transformative educational journey.

Program Briefing

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