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  • School of Housing Building and Planning Lecturers Won Gold and Silver Award In 5th International Innovation, Invention and Design (INDES 2016)

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Two entries from Unversity Sains Malaysia won gold and silver award in 5th International Innovation, Invention and Design (INDES 2016) which was held from 9th-10th November 2016 in UiTM Seri Iskandar Perak. INDES 2016 brought together more than 150 participants, representatives from various background: professional, student and industry. Students and researchers from local and international university joined the competition under various categories and field . A group of lecturer from School of Housing Building and Planning; Dr Naziah Muhamad Saleh (leader), Sr Nuzaihan Aras Agus Salim, Dr Siti Salwa Mohd Ishak and Dr Ariza Sharikin Abu Bakar won gold award (Professional) under Innovation category from Green and Sustainability field. The project title is  Indoor Air Bio-Filter conceptual design. The same team led by Sr Nuzaihan Aras Agus Salim won silver award (Professional) under Innovation category and Green and Sustainability field. It has been found to reduce heat and together as self-cleaning air filter to the school. Some species of plants have been identified to absorb and decrease the heat in the building. This concept is used to develop as a curtain to a wall and support by rainwater harvesting system, water filter ponds and solar panels as a support system to this concept. It is believed as a tangible green technology and vertical landscape of building.

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