Pusat Pengajian Perumahan, Bangunan & Perancangan  |  School of Housing, Building and Planning    USM White

Abdul Ghapar Othman



Abdul Ghapar Othman (Mr.)
E40 / 116,
School of HBP
USM 11800 Penang, Malaysia
Tel : 604-653 2502
Email : ghapar@usm.my


Academic Qualifications  
  • Master of Urban & Regional Planning (Virginia Commonwealth)
  • B. Sc. Urban & Regional Planning (East  Carolina University)
Personal Details
Before joining USM in September 2004, he was the coordinator for the Penang GIS (PEGIS) under the Penang State government. He has been involved in numerous GIS projects for the state government particularly in the data management and spatial development. His research interest includes GIS in landscape and landuse planning and urban transportation.
Professional Membership    

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